Keynotes + Workshops


A successful keynote does more than inspire people and create focus. It should start a new conversation.  

Are you launching a new initiative, transforming some aspect of your operation, or stepping into a new role?
What is the conversation you need to start?

Tough conversations—the costs of avoiding them, the benefits of having them, and the three simple rules to leading them successfully.

Watch Adar Cohen’s TED Talk below

Robert-Putnam-and-Obama-Adar Cohen-Mediator-Testimonial
Just what I would have expected from a world-class speaker! Sign me up if Adar ever decides to run for public office.
— Dr. Robert Putnam, Recipient of the National Humanities Medal, Professor of Public Policy Harvard University, Author of Bowling Alone
Greg Fedorinchik-Adar Cohen-Mediator-Testimonial
Adar makes people believe they can do anything together.
— Greg Fedorinchik, CEO at Fedovest, LLC & Managing Partner at IC Research USA