

Great leaders create big conversations.

Big conversations create the future.

Amanda-Lampert-Bully-Pulpit-Adar Cohen-Mediator-Testimonial
I was introduced to Adar when I was on the search for a coach who could help a few of our company’s up-and-coming leaders elevate to the next level. Within the first few conversations, it was clear his perspective and guidance was having a positive impact. In each coaching experience, our team members walked away with a better understanding of how to utilize their strengths and proactively see around corners, resulting in stronger and more self-aware leaders. Adar’s partnership has been a welcome addition to my team and I enthusiastically recommend his expertise to anyone looking to up-level the talent within their organization.
— Amanda Lampert, Chief People Officer, SIXGEN
Janae-Meyer-Adar Cohen-Mediator-Testimonial
Adar is an authentic leader in the truest sense. He is patient, passionate, and kind, and has a deep understanding of the human condition — the need to be heard and loved. I have witnessed first-hand Adar’s unique ability to connect with others on a large and small scale. It is nothing short of remarkable.
— Janae Meyer, CEO, MetroSquash
JD-Bryant-Adar Cohen-Mediator-Testimonial
Adar has helped me grow as a manager, and he’s become a trusted coach and partner. If I have a particularly challenging issue to confront at work, I bring it to Adar — because I know after our session I’ll have the confidence and tools to address it. The time we spend together is often the most valuable time in my week.
— J.D. Bryant, Director of Client Service, The Trade Desk