Big conversations start with big questions.

Some of the conversations
Adar has helped communities build:
Chicago, Illinois. Bringing together former gang members, corrections officers, business leaders, social workers, clergy, and the Sheriff to ask, How can we support inmates of Cook County Jail upon their return to their communities?
Belfast, Northern Ireland. With community members who experienced trauma and lost loved ones in the conflict, What is the future we want for our children, and for their children?
Kanglung, Bhutan. With professors, monks, and the Queen of Bhutan — How can students support one another’s learning beyond the classroom?
Washington, DC. How to create a city-wide service learning experience for young people from diverse faith backgrounds, so they can connect — through action and dialogue — across difference?
Marion, Alabama. Convening civil rights elders for conversation over coffee, asking What do our experiences in 1965 tell us about today’s struggle for racial justice?

“Adar moves conflicts to resolution with a wealth of both inspirational and practical facilitation. He’s truly one of a kind.”